The East Midlands cache setters' arms race continues, with the latest izaakwilson offering -
Tinwell and Back - taking him to within 50 caches of overtaking poshrule.
I waited for the morning's rain to blow over, and set out after lunch.
I walked around! That's Ketton Cement Works in the distance |
A muddy start to the trail from where I chose to join it, but it became much better. I was soon back in Easton on the Hill, a place I'd last visited just a few days ago. This time the route took me past the Priests House.
Priests House |
An unremarkable building I thought, but it is a National Trust property so I must assume there is historic value.
The village sign at Tinwell, erected in 2000:
Tinwell Village sign |
it has a small but interesting plaque, take a moment to read it. After Tinwell there was some inevitable road-walking, with the farmers busy in the adjacent field:
Root crop harvest (beet?), under attack by hungry seagulls |
I didn't hit the trail until after 3pm, but still managed to complete it before full dark fell; 7.5 miles in 3hrs25, and 50 smileys claimed.
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