Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Strolling around Stevenage

Down the M1 to Stevenage today. First circuit was the On yer bike series, set along well-appointed cycle paths - more like cycle motorways - around the town. I parked up at St. Nicholas's and bagged the Church Micro there first.

St Nicholas
Interesting memorial stone to see on the way to that GZ.

I don't do biking so I had to walk it, but that was fine; the caches were close enough together to keep me from getting bored. Not normally keen on urban routes I wasn't sure how this one would turn out, but I needn't have worried.  It being half-term, the paths were mostly muggle-free, and much of the time the trail didn't feel particularly urban - perhaps more suburban :). Bumped into fellow cachers Shortmat a couple of times, always nice to meet others. I completed the 6.3 mile distance in 2hrs40, then it was on to the second circuit of the day.

A Wednesday Walk takes you out into the fields and woods to the NE of Stevenage. It was nice to get some grass under my feet after all the pavement-plodding. Managed to find all the caches, although a couple of the woodsy ones took a while.

Knocked off a few Pedal Power drive-bys as darkness fell, to build up a respectable day's tally of 58 finds.


  1. Thinking of doing this on Saturday, how long were both circuits altogether?

    1. Hi, the bike circuit was 6.3 miles. I didn't track the Wednesday trail, but it was completed in 90 minutes so assume approx. 3 miles.
