Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Stamford on Steroids

Day two of my fourteen-day steroid treatment regime. Still on the max. dose of 60mg. That's twelve tablets to swallow, with breakfast. Luckily they are tiny; I don't do big tablets well, my gag reflex kicks in too quickly. Side effects so far: a heightened heart rate, insomnia. I don't think I'm experiencing any of the mental issues that can occur, but self-diagnosing mental issues is somewhat of a challenge!

A new series posted yesterday by izaakwilson, Stamford and Back. I didn't think I'd be able to get round it in the next few days given the wet forecast (I don't like caching in the rain). However when I arose - at the usual late hour, despite the insomnia - the forecast was offering a window of opportunity for the afternoon. Sorted out some admin then set off. The rain was still dribbling when I left the house so I plotted a few drive-by Church Micros before moving on to the main mission.

Intriguing Porch Angel at Church Micro 4334... Thorpe Malsor
 Timing was pretty good; I pitched up at Easton on the Hill just before 3pm, with the sun breaking through. It looked like it was going to turn into a nice afternoon, but unfortunately the skies darkened again and most of the walk was completed under a grey cloud blanket. Silver lining though, as I completed the trail just before the rains returned.

Stamford and Back is a series of 33 caches; walking it the 'wrong' way round (I usually choose to do this, as it provides better opportunities to bump into other cachers, without you then getting in each other's way), the route took me from Easton down through fields to the R. Welland and then on to Stamford, via a path under the A1.

Scurrying under the A1

From Stamford it was back under the A1, then track and field walking - past the still imposing, but now derelict - Wothorpe House before returning to Easton.

Wothorpe House, front and back
I had time for some more drive-by's before darkness fell, taking my day's total to 54 caches, with two DNFs.

No caching tomorrow; Landy is getting new brakes.

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