Friday, 11 October 2013

I'm sleeping my life away

I'm 54. With good fortune, I could expect sixteen more years of a mobile, reasonably pain-free, existence.

The problem is I sleep too much. I sleep ten hours a day. That's not quite accurate; I lie in bed for ten hours a day. The hours not spent sleeping are spent trying to get back to sleep after waking up. Sometimes I'm just lying there, but I still don't - can't? - get up.

I did some arithmetic. The 'average' person sleeps 7-9 hours a day, so let's presume I only slept - sorry, stayed in bed - eight hours a day instead of my usual ten. I'd have fourteen more waking hours a week, almost a whole day. So that's fifty-ish more days a year I'd be awake, and properly responding to stimuli. Over that sixteen years of pain-free and mobile lifestyle I'm still hoping to enjoy, that's eight hundred more days; 114 weeks; more than two years.

So, all I have to do is sleep for two hours less every day, and I can enjoy two more years of mobile, relatively pain-free living.

Unfortunately, I suspect that the fact I've rationalised this all out won't be enough of a spur to get me out of bed before 10am tomorrow.

On the plus side, I did a 70+ series of geocaches yesterday, walking nearly 14 miles in sometimes invigorating weather conditions. So I'm not going to flagellate myself too much.

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